North Texas Youth Education Town with Emmitt Smith
Emmitt Smith, chairman of the North Texas Youth Education Town, led a special media tour at The Salvation Army in Arlington.

Michele Matthews, Co-CEO of The Salvation Army, begins the presentation of the new Youth Education Town before introducing Arlington mayor Robert Cluck

Smith went through and described each room that will be offered to the children and how it can benefit their education

At each stop of the tour, a future participant of the Youth Education Town shared his or her anticipation for participating in the activities that will be offered in the room they're stationed.

The Dallas Cowboys Fitness Zone is one of the new rooms offered. Smith said the new center will help the children be strong mentally, physically and spiritually.

Though much work is left to be done to complete the renovations, the space is already getting cleared out for the opening later in 2013.

Some of the rooms on the tour are more complete than others. The implementation of windows and a paint job have already begun on the fitness zone.

A child in each room spoke about the benefits the renovations will have on the education, both mentally and physically, for children in Arlington.

A nursery is one of the rooms that will be offered in the new center. Many of these rooms still have naming opportunities available.

Kendall Russell (left) and Trevor Thompson (right) spoke about their excitement and anticipation for the opening of the center.