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Mailbag: Jarwin Really A Difference Maker?


Can Blake Jarwin be enough of a difference maker to take us deep into the playoffs? – BULL FAHLE / DENVER, CO

Nick: Answer this, do you ever think Witten was a difference-maker to go to the playoffs? I think Witten is one of the greatest Cowboys ever and easily one of the best tight ends to ever play. But do you think he was the reason the Cowboys made or didn't make the playoffs? You could argue that for a couple of years but not really. And I don't think Jarwin will be the reason this team makes the playoffs or they don't. But that doesn't mean he isn't important to the offense.

Jonny: Jarwin's production will go up based on increased opportunity. That's just how these things work. And maybe he'll be great, but as loyal as Jason Garrett was to Jason Witten, I still think if Jarwin had looked really impressive in practice he would have stolen snaps from Witten last year, and that's what concerns me about his potential. I don't really see how you could have the perspective that locking in Jarwin with a new deal is going to be the thing that takes the Cowboys deep into the playoffs.

Am I the only one that would like to see the Cowboys bring back Anthony Brown? Seems like he could fight for the second outside position with Jourdan Lewis, and the other could start in the slot. – WILLIAM TROMPETER / OKLAHOMA CITY, OK

Nick: You and the front office. I don't know if the fans will be that stoked about it but the Cowboys want him back and I think he will re-sign. As I've been told, "you need four corners" and so Brown will be one of them with Chido and Jourdan and look for them to add another veteran and/or draft pick to the mix. But Brown is productive and relatively cheap. It just makes sense.

Jonny: With Byron Jones officially gone, it only increases the chances that Brown will be back. Brown came in and proved that he was an NFL-caliber player in his rookie year, and I think those types of guys tend to hang around in the league for a long time. When your defense loses crucial contributors it just feels safer to have guys on your roster that, if nothing else, know what they're doing on defense.

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