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Mailbag: Who Has The Edge In The NFC East?


This didn't seem possible a month ago, but the Cowboys actually still have a chance at the NFC East title despite the 2-7 start. Which team has the edge in the division, if anyone? – JOE COOK / DALLAS, TX

Nick: Everyone has an edge it seems. Momentum and division wins? It's the Giants. How about the best defense? It's Washington. Better quarterback and actual division lead at the moment? Eagles. And what about the most favorable schedule down the stretch? That's the Cowboys. So all of these teams have a shot to win it because they're all right there. As for Dallas, this team has to show at some point they can go get a win. It's been well over a month without a victory so if they have any thoughts of getting into the mix, obviously they need to start winning.

David: I can't believe I'm typing this, but it's hard not to like the Cowboys' chances when you consider what's ahead. Dallas is the only team in the NFC East with three division games left, which means they get to play almost half their remaining games against putrid competition. Throw in games against middling teams like Minnesota, Cincinnati and San Francisco, and all of a sudden it looks like there's a path to five or six wins. It's going to hinge on getting solid quarterback play from Andy Dalton. But in this division, 6-10 might sadly be just good enough.

I love the way the coaching staff keeps finding ways to use Cedrick Wilson to try and help this team win – whether it's receiving, end arounds, passing, or special teams plays – and how he keeps showing up on the field during game day. Are there any other players on the roster with his versatility? – JOEY ARNEL SAYSON / SANTA MONICA, CA

Nick: Yes, Wilson has been a pleasant surprise. What I like is that he was really showing up in training camp and then he carried it over to the games. For some of you older fans, he's got some Patrick Crayton-like qualities because he can do so many things. Probably won't wow you at any of it, but it's good enough to mix it all together to be a quality player. As for other players like that ... I guess you could say Tony Pollard. He can run and catch and I wouldn't be surprised if he could run some Wildcat at quarterback.

David: I think a lot of this applies to Tony Pollard, as well. He played a lot of slot receiver during his college career, and he obviously has played plenty of running back. Memphis also used him as a Wildcat quarterback at times, and he can obviously return kicks. The Cowboys haven't relied much on his versatility, likely because they have so much talent at receiver and running back. But he's a guy who could wear a lot of hats if asked.

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