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Leftovers: Is Carter's Speed Showing Up In Practice?

With only an hour on the air, great e-mail questions occasionally fall through the cracks on the **Cowboys Break** and **Talkin’ Cowboys** online radio shows. But all questions are appreciated and we'll try to answer them in some form or fashion on On Wednesday, Bryan Broaddus answered a few that didn't make the air.*


Are Bruce Carter and Dan Connor sharing first team reps at inside linebacker? And has Carter shown any of that sideline to sideline quickness we have been hearing about?

Bryan: Carter and Connor have been sharing reps. There will be days when Carter goes with the ones during team period, and then the next day Connor will do the same. Where I have seen an improvement in Carter is with his blitzing. He has really done a nice job of attacking the pocket and working games with the defensive linemen.

Joe, Florida

How was the secondary on Wednesday with the pads on?

Bryan: Thanks for listening. I thought that overall the group was solid. Orlando Scandrick was getting more work at the nickel in the slot. Barry Church was able to drive on some balls, then play a little dime linebacker. Brandon Carr and Morris Claiborne both were good in the press and physical with the receivers. Carr had an interception and Claiborne covered Dez Bryant along the sideline to knock a pass away.

Dave, Florida

What are the key differences in the blocking scheme and philosophy under Bill Callahan versus what we have seen in the past?

Bryan: Love me some scheme questions. Callahan can cover all components in the running game. He can teach power gap, zone, perimeter toss, draws and traps. He has also worked with a Wildcat package while with the Jets. He has called plays before, so he understands the passing game and, to me, that is a key because a coach that can tie routes into blocking schemes can really help the quarterback on game day.

Brett, Texas

If Claiborne and Carr both win starting positions, what role would Mike Jenkins play in the secondary? Slot coverage, where Scandrick has played the majority of his career? Dime? Or as insurance in the event one of the starting corners is injured? Trade bait?

Bryan: Really good question. I really do believe that this team will need Jenkins before it is all said and done. There is a role for a guy that can cover and plays with some toughness. If you remember last year, Rob Ryan would play all the corners who would dress. There were times when Alan Ball and Frank Walker were lining up on the outside while Jenkins and Terence Newman took a rest. I can see Jenkins potentially playing in the slot and moving Scandrick to safety in some schemes. This front office is just not going to give him away in a trade, either, until they feel that Morris Claiborne is totally comfortable.

Hugh, #CowboysNation

Bryan, you a great job - maybe too great. Other teams can read these reports, too! Don't get me wrong, I love reading your reports, look forward to them, actually, but between your reports and watching open practices, we are not hiding much. Your thoughts?

Bryan: Thanks for reading my reports, but there are a lot of reporters and writers covering this team on a daily basis that do a great job. I write what I see and say what I see. The Jones family hired me because they care about the content of for their fans. I have been encouraged by my bosses to continue to provide the best information possible, but I do also respect what is sensitive and what goes beyond what I need to report. In that regard I am like any other media member who covers this team. 

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