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Mailbag: Helping The Passing Game? Dak Running?


Hello to the experts! On some plays, I feel like there's an invisible hand preventing Dak to gain yards with his legs. I understand trying to avoid him being hurt, but this would make much more sense actually able to get some passing yardage. With our back against the wall at 2-3, do you see the kid allowed to do what he does best? - LOÏC QUINET / BLANZAT, FRANCE

Bryan: Been saying this all along. If they don't play to his strengths they're doing him no favors. He has a different skill set and they need to take advantage of it. 

Rob: I agree the RPO's have worked when they've used it more consistently, as long as it's not exposing Prescott to too many hits. We did see a couple read options and draws from Prescott in the Texans game. The biggest takeaway, to me, is they've got to find ways to beat the blitz in the passing game, however you do it, or defenses will continue to send extra pressure.


What can the coaching staff do to put the offense in a better situation when passing? It seemed like our pass blocking did not hold up well, albeit against a top notch defensive front from Houston. Is the lack of a passing attack a combination of personnel and playcalling? - J.M. SMITH / ST. CHARLES, MD

Bryan: You can throw a blanket over the entire operation. What has been the most surprising is that the offensive has had their share of troubles. Joe Looney hasn't been bad but this group misses Travis Frederick in a big way. 

Rob: In all three losses I think there have been cumulative issues at certain points throughout the game: protection, missed throws and reads, receiver separation, the staff finding ways for the players to execute best. We've seen them execute at a higher level at home where it's easier to communicate. I know it's easier to place blame on one person or area, but it's not one thing, and to me, that's a harder fix in the middle of the season.

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